Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to catch this person in a dating scam wanting money?

Our brother met her on He has been drug into this love relationship but they are demanding more and more money. He doesn't have any and is in very critical health. We have contacted everyone we know and no answers yet. She [?] is also scamming another guy that we found out as of a few days ago. This site is trying they say to stop them.

Should I leave my boyfriend\baby's father or stay for the sake of our baby?

i think because u keep talking about the sake of your baby leave the guy he hasnt done anything but give u pain and its not right plus with all the dangerous people he used to like it is very bad for that man to be near your child. leave him and quick he may want to hurt you if you tell him so just leave and take your baby with u.

Are Atheists biased or just uninformed?

I'm still waiting for the proof that the shroud is actually over 2000 years old, since there is no "forensic evidence" that proves it. This is no different than the Chapel of Saint Mary of Zion in Axum, Ethiopia. They claim to have the ark of the covenant in their chapel but, of course, no one except for the high priest of their church is ever, under any circumstances, allowed inside to see.

Need to know how many ways and how to get someone to get tested before my baby is born.?

So im 19 weeks pregnant and the dad is not involved well im trying to make sure he gets no custody because hes a druggie and not just weed hes been doing heroine. So i was wondering if you know a way i could make him go get tested now or have a cop force him to or a judge, so the judge can see that hes an unfit person for a baby to be around. Because if i wait hes going to stop before the baby comes then shave his head so they cant test anywhere on him and screw me over. Plus his parents smoke weed to and i just dont want my baby exposed to that stuff. Soooo any ideas on how i could do this?? Would there also be a way to get his parents tested to??? His mom is a social worker and she claims that shes going to beat me in court and i know its a very mean thing to do but i need to knock her down and get her introuble to. Cause you should not be able to work with kids and smoke weed. Thats not smart. So please help me.

Do you think Marajuana should be legal?

Okay so I'm NOT a druggie and I don't really think about being one just to get that out. but, I can agree with both sides. Whether its legal or not, the drug addicts are still gonna do drugs, so what good is it? and If you don't want to do weed then just dont do it, right? But, Theres also good arguments on it being illegal, but what do I know? I just want peoples opinions.

Baby daddy drama???????

ok so me and my fiance have been together for 6 months and living together for 4 months. my baby sperm donor hates my fiance n won't even come to my house to pick up my daughter. he always wants to meet me somewhere. i do it just so theres no drama but im also 7 months pregnant and tired and getting sick of having to drive just so he will pick her up. i texted him last nite n said no you have to come here enough is enough! he says my fiance is a druggie but hes not he hardly ever smokes weed now and he only drinks a few drinks a day now. he loves my daughter like hes own and she even calls him dada. I want her to spend time with her bio dad cuz i also need the brake but i want him to come to my home. he says hell get an order so that i have to meet him and it will be in writing and he also wants to see her more but he works a lot so he can only see her every 2nd weekend. so what can i do? will the courts make me have to drive to meet him?

How do I access Showtime on Demand on direct TV?

I have all of the Showtime channels but there is no on demand channel (channel 1545). When we spoke to the DTV rep they stated that we need internet access to access direct tv cinema which would include showtime shows. When I look through the Direct TV cinema channel, it doesn't look like what we are asking for. The problem is that I would need to get a wireless adapter to connect the DTV box to the internet since the box is on the other side of the apt. and I don't want to fork out $80 if it wouldn't get us the on Demand we were wanting. Us watching the last season of Dexter depends on a solution!!!!! Thanks for the help!

I switched from Levoxyl 88mcg to armour 60 and have been so dizzy even druggie feeling.?

Always heard armour would help me feel better, I'm Hypo/Hashimotos but have been horribly dizzy since the switch. Would I make matters worse by just switching back like my doc suggested? How about bio identical thyroid? The dizziness isn't inner ear or heart related.

What comic books/graphic novel should I read?

I read the Marvel Civil war series and loved it. I am also a huge Batman fan. Some other heroes I like are Captain America, Spiderman and pretty much any marvel character. Please help me out thanks.

My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?

I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!???? (PS... WE are NOT Married and never were.

Not counting X-men #9. Are there any comics that actually show how Professor X lost the use of his legs?

I'm not sure about the 616 storyline, but there is an issue in the Ultimate series where Magneto throws metal shards into Xavier's legs.

What beginner comic books should I begin with?

I have always been a big fan of comic book characters - watching movies, television, and video games - spending hours on end researching the back stories, but have never actually read comics. I find it very intimidating with the realm of possibilities to chose from. I have become a fan of the marvel universe rather than others and would like to start there. The only experience I have with comic books was during the Civil War era, when I downloaded a torrent to make ready all comics within the event.

10 points for best answer.what's a good diss for girl that looks like a drug addict?

Tell her to stop doing this all day*Pretend to snort something up your nose* and actually comb your hair, or brush your crooked teeth instead of chewing on yellow crayons AND stop watching TWILIGHT and go outside 4 a change, (you emo freak-Optional)

What can i do?????????

i am 15. i have a job with a local business. About a week ago my uncle lost his home and my aunt his wife moved into my cousins house. my uncle has been working as a tow truck driver to try and support his family. but as the few days he has been here have passed it is now very clear why he lost his job and his home. He is not one of the brightest human beings, i hve reason to believe he is using drugs as i have smelled marijuana and something that smells like burnt rubber which i think is cocaine because i found a spoon with white powder residue behind the toilet. he also is a greedy thieve and a sociopath. he steals food from our cupboards and fridge. i gues today between O,dark thirty and 6 a.m he took 3 loaves of bread 4 apples and a 24 pack of beer for the fridge. he also likes manipulate and humiliate his druggie friends so he can steal their stashes of weed or other things while they are loaded... how do i know??? he tells us stories at the diner table and he eats more than the entire family put together. and the worst part is he does not pay rent.he lives here for free. when my mom tried to get him to pay rent ..he made a excuse saying he had no money. my parent were thinking of kicking him out but they do not want to hurt his feelings ..i mean we feel sorry for him because he lost his home but he is also obnoxious and greedy and he is becoming a real burden ...especially when he parks his loud 1999 ford pickup and blasts loud mexican music and smokes pot at 4 a.m ......what should we do about him?

24 weeks pregnant, alt levels high (liver enzymes)?? .... ICP?

I had obstetric cholestasis with my last pregnancy and I asume this is what you are referring to as this is to do with the liver. First of all don't panic as you will be closely monitored throughout your pregnancy with blood tests etc. I was started on an anti-histamine to stop the itch (which I did have) and then a drug which is used to treat OC and is safe in pregnancy. I was induced at 37 weeks as the risk of stillbirth is higher after full term gestation. Hopefully your midwife will reassure you.

2004 hyundai accent code p0734?

P0734 is a code for incorrect 4th gear ratio. When the trans controller senses a disagreement between the input/output shaft speed ratio it wants for the gear it has selected and what it's seeing it sets this. If this condition is detected three times the trans locks to 3rd gear limp home mode assuming there is a serious internal problem and 3rd gear is intentionally designed to be the running gear with minimal control functionality so you can get home with most failures present. When it's in limp home it will accelerate like a dog because it's starting in a high gear and will wind out at speed without upshifting to 4th. Basically you're driving a car with one gear. There is an overdrive switch in the system but it's the switch on the shifter to deselect overdrive (4th gear) when going up grades so the trans won't hunt gears too much. If that switch fails it will only prevent 4th gear if it shorts or won't block 4th gear if it's open. There is no overdrive sensor. There is a kick down switch but it's part of the trans. If one of the shaft speed sensors was acting up you'd have a different code for it in most cases. Almost all causes of shaft speed mismatch are an internal mechanical problem, probably a burnt clutch, or an internal electrical problem with the solenoid valves. It is very unlikely there is some cheap external quick fix for what it sounds like yours is doing. Sorry but I'd be back at the clown you bought it from pronto. It sounds like you have an internal hydraulic or clutch problem that is aggravated by temperature as the fluid and components heat up. The chance of this happening without their prior knowledge is next to zero under the conditions you've stated. Sorry but pretty much any of the incorrect ratio codes are bad news.

Xbox 360 question???

If I were purchasing it I wouldn't spend more than $200 at the most. Mainly becuase alot of those games are not neccesarily in high demand. The hard drives help but most people wouldn't want an arcade especially since you can get a new slim xbox with 4gb hard drive for $200 with a controller AND they have wifi. Best bet would be to see how much you could get for trade-in value at a local game store or an Entertainmart type of store.

Muslim woman sues Abercrombie & Fitch over hijab?

Another freeloader, welcome to the US where the freebies abound ! This lazy woman who is being told to do this by her lazy husband. Shouldn't she be stoned if she speaks with a male customer? Or, is she wanting just some of the Muslim freedoms and laws? Funny how they certainly believe in lawsuits! Part of having a job is wearing the clothesor uniform the employe says not what she wants to wear. She may have worn the rag in the interview but she did not work there at the time. Who would employ themselves at a place with such a high profile for THE AMERICAN LOOK.. then Scream victim???? due to my religious beliefs, i am forbidden from having any muslim touch my purchases, so you must submit to my beliefs, i demand it! yeah, sure. At least she doesn't have to worry about being stoned here. America needs to adopt the belief of Australia.. Your welcome to come and live amoung.. but the moment you are no longer willing to conform to our basic standards... GO HOME.. This is America..but using our fore-father's statements, misconstruing them for YOUR advantage is old.. GO HOME.. where life is "less miserable". If the Muslims don't like the American policies then by all means they need to go back to their country where they have so many more freedoms!!!!!!! I'm going to openly admit that if I see a muslim in a store I leave. I feel like they're traitors in our mist sort of thing. I do not trust them. I won't even fly because I won't sit next to one. Look at what they do to their own people, even in THIS COUNTRY, and tell me why they should be accepted and trusted. THE COMPANY SHOULD NOT HAVE HIRED HER----- THEY NEED SOME NEW HR PEOPLE---IT IS OUR RIGHT TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANY ONE---ESPECIALLY THE PEOPLE WHO HATE THIS COUNTRY----DISRESPECT THIS COUNTRY---ESPECIALLY THE MUSLIMS---On second thought , maybe they should keep that lice infested head covered ! You never now what new disease is lurking under that filth . If it looks as bad as it smells it must really be contagious. You ever do an arab chick? They are o.k. once you shave their vaginas and underarms and wash them with soap and water underneath there. In this particular case, she does'nt have any grounds for a law suit whatsoever. This company did not discriminate her. If they discriminated her, they would have never hired her in the first place. They hired her, gave her a chance, and then when she would'nt go by the dress code, she was fired. It has nothing to do with discrimination.

Do you think any major progress (politcally, economically, socially) will be made in the United States soon?

I was talking politics w/ the gf yesterday and my point/view is this...In the United States we as citizens may never stand together and speak out or demand the changes that we feel are neccessary for our nation to prosper. The reason this is true is because there are SO many different groups in America. The Rich/Wealthy have the most 'Power', but the Rich dont want change b/c the current status quo keeps them Rich. The Middle Class is divided in the sense that some want action/change; but most feel complacent, like 'Hey, as long as i get my paycheck, and its enough to take care of my family, I'm not going to rock the boat'...The 'working poor' have Very Limited 'Power', but can mass protest...Everyone is just DIVIDED on ALOT of issues. Republicans/Demorcats, gay marriage, abortion, gun control, teen pregnancy, war on drugs, War overseas, border control, immigration, animal rights, oil company revenues, outsourcing, welfare, racial issues, religious issues, import vs export, domestic drilling...etc. There are just so MANY issues that can angrily divide us. I am a democrat, however I stand different on certain 'Democratic' views. So with so many voters, citizens so divided on so many issues, will we ever be able to stand United for a positive change in our country?? I mean gas prices have even gone down temporarily, but people are even complaining now about using some of the's like, will people EVER agree?? Why or Why not?

Is the gay marriage movement a plea for tolerance or a demand for acclaim and celebration?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Re- Post what should happen next in my novel ( quick synopsis)?

I think you should talk to a guy who's close to you as well, obviously someone you trust to actually help you. I once wrote a short story from a male viewpoint and I asked my cousin to give me some advice. It really helped, at least in my case.

Do you think he just don't care anymore?

my bf and me use to spend a lot of time together but recently all he wants to do is hang out with his no good druggie friends and parties every weekend and never wants to do anything with me. Like tonight our daughter is at her grandma's house and I thought it would be a perfect night for us to do something but instead he wanted to hang out with his friends I'm so tired of it. Why do you think he went from hanging out with me to choosing his friends over me. What should I do? The sad thing is he's 25 but acting like a teenager all over again. It's like he lost interest in me what do you think?

Boyfriend is drug addict.what should i do?

i just had a baby girl 4 months ago.and his ex girlfriend had her baby yesterday i broke up w him for 2months and he knocked her up.its really hit me now that ive seen that baby's picture.he has no job and lives w him parents.the only problem is that my dad is a druggie too worse than my bf and i have to live w him.i like my bf parents that's the only place i have to go when my dad freaks out.what should i do?

Vicodin question....?

Does 5mg of vicodin make you "high" not a druggie I got chronic back pain. Just was wondering so if I take it during the day I can still do normal things. Will I be loopy? 16 and female. Thanks!

Best fighting game for the Xbox 360?

Im deciding on either MK9 or Marvel vs Capcom 3, but any suggestions would be nice, and I would appreciate if you back up your claim.

Am I paranoid and am I really that bad a person ?

You are not a bad person. It's not your fault you have had a bad childhood. Drugs was a bad decision but people do these things when they are in your situation. I think you might have some kind of anxiety linked to your mistrust of people. You need to see a therapist to make yourself better. You will feel SOOO much better after therapy. I don't know what will happen to you in the future. It's your future and you can shape it to however you want it. Just make the right decisions and you will be rewarded. I'm 18 years old.

Is this enough to make the judge see that my babies daddy shouldnt have custody?

honestly, you should try to talk to him and work things out so that you can atleast be civil and not hate each other... that's your childs FATHER. your baby will need both of you in the future if that's possible. put your child first..

Big dilemma. Help please?

So I'm in high school and I have all types of friends. From top honor students to drug users. I have friends in all the groups. But since I have friends in all groups, I have a problem. One of my friends is a big drug user and we have two classes together. She told me that a few people asked her if I was becoming a drug user. When I found this out I was appalled. I have never done drugs in my life and I never will. I am an honor student with all As and Bs as grades and I am involved in clubs. I had talked to some people about this and they say if I hang out with this girl then I will gain her reputation. I don't know whether I should break off my friendship with the druggie or what. Please help me and don't leave stupid answers. :)

Samsung RV510 or Dell Inspiron M5030 ?? Either of them any good ?

Decided to buy a laptop but not too sure what to look for, there's sooo many choices. It's mainly for college work but in my free time I have a couple of EA games I might play on it, I am happy to run them on low settings, but wondered if either laptops wud run them at all, as the games are high demanding ?? The Samsung has great memory however not so good graphics, where as the Dell has less memory but an ATI graphics ?? I am also not too sure if to trust the dell as I have heard dell's are not that great.

Are there any Australian players on PlayStation 3?

looking for some aussie players who play either Super Street Fighter 4, Tekken 6 or Marvel vs Capcom 3 on the Playstation 3, if ur interested please leave ur psn account name and I will add you. Been playing online but mostly with American players, and connection isn't very good for sf4 and t6. Marvel isnt too bad connection with Americans.

Got Arrested Need Help!!!!!!!?

im 22 i dont do drugs or drink i dont take painkillers , so heres the story , its truthfull too thats the funny thing, so i was driving my gf's car with my friend to take him to go see his dad at jail for visitation , and as we pull up to the jail the k9 crew comes out and searches the car which i had no problem with cause it wasnt my car , so they searched it and found 2 vicodin in a ciggarette pack , now i smoke but they wherent mine , they where my moms pills she barrowed the car the day before and said she dropped some but forgot them in the car, she is precribed them ,and i got arrested and she posted my bail at 10% of 5000, now im out and she tryed telling the police that it was hers and wants to show proof, but they think im just a druggie and they dont belive her , how would i go about all of this? i live in port saint lucie , florida

Isnt it amazing......?

isnt it amazing to marvel at the intellect of our fellow humans? just think about how us as a species have elevated ourselves with nothing but the simple gift of a conscience. i mean just look at modern western medicine, think about how incredibly intelligent the pioneers of that field had to be, they can manufacture substances that imitate neurotransmitters and manipulate your body into almost any feeling under the sun! just boggles my mind...more of a reflection question than an actual question...just give me your reflection too i guess!(:

Damage on body after "1" use of Cocaine? Please help.?

Well if you didn't die when you were on it, you're not going to die now. But just to be sure I wouldn't recommend doing it again.

Is 5 miles (8 km) too far of a distance? 10 points!?

Depends on your speed. I average somewhere close to 20 min to walk a mile and a half to school. Probably an hour 15? Try it a couple times before you decide that you want to walk that far. Check your schools website or with the office and see if a bus goes by your house. It's a little more time restraining but can be worth it

You think i'd make a good girlfriend?

I think there won't be real problem if you know the importance of communication. Love some of your qualities.

Xbox360 Pricing Question?

I don't know how mutch you will get for all of it but I do know most game stores won't take any sports games(exept brand new) because thay make one every year.

How to not make the summer boring?

It's been one week of summer, and I'm so bored I could die... I've rented almost all the good movies on on demand or whatever. I went to camp last year and had so much fun, but I can't go because I'm 15 and the age limit is 14. So I guess I have really high expectations for this summer, because last summer was soooo much fun. I also have three really close friends but there on vacation or hiking or somethin. Can I have some ideas of things I can do by myself (mostly) and alittle I can do with my friends when there not in like. Paris.

Does the guy I am about to start dating disrespect himself?

it sounds like he is fine. think of it this way, maybe he was friends with him to make sure nothing bad happend to him and to watch over him.

ADD or not? Repeated question, just wanting more opinions.?

i may have answered before. but you need not have all the symptoms to have ADD. Of the six students in my class (all ADD), some have a lot and some are just ADD-LD. (that is attention deficit-learning dysfunction) meaning that you biggest problem is focus, a milder form of ADD. as before, you need to see doctor who can test you.

Will my doctor do anything for me if i see him for lumbago and neck pain?

I'm 19, I have a curvature of the spice when I was growing up I crack my neck and back daily for years, the last 2 yeas now my back and neck are always causing me pain. Iv been taking aspirin aleave and ib proffin for 2 years and nothing helps. Will my doctor do anything for me or give me a script for the constant pain? Do will they think I'm some desperate druggie? I really want help!

My friend i have a crush on, has a crush on a course of action?

she thinks it was "love at first sight" because coincidentally they made eye contact. she has never met him and he has never met her. so she likes him based on looks and has no idea what he is like. I really do not want her going out with this guy because he is on probation, has been in multiple fights, caught for drugs in middle school, and hangs out with the goth/life hating group. I can't really tell her these myself because every guy she has told me she likes, ive pointed out there problems. so she might not believe me and think im just jealous. I really do not want to see her end up like him....

Do i have a problem??? helpppp :/?

It seems like you have an issue with substance abuse. I used to be in your shoes also. What made me stop was a traumatic experience from almost overdosing. Heroin is a hell of a drug. In any case, the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. The next step is to take action. Tell someone you trust about your problem, and they I'm sure they will do everything they can to help you!

Is it normal for parents to do this?

Is it normal for a parent to tell one child to not end up like their older sibling? I mean I can understand if the sibling is obviously a bad influence, but what if the sibling is well behaved, A or B student, and the only flaw noticeable is some difficulty in getting into a really good university (I won't say which one, but it's like the second or third best university in our state apparently). My mom told me not to be like my older sister, and was completely serious about it. It wasn't the empty words of annoyance like my parents sometimes have. She said "You have to make sure you don't end up like your sister", and when I asked why she got all agitated and was like "Isn't it obvious why?". My sister has never done anything bad from what I know, she's smart, and takes hard and advanced classes too. I could sorta understand if my parents said that to her as one of their forms of trying to motivate her in some way, but my mom only talks about avoiding being like her behind my sister's back. Should I tell my sister? Is this just my parents being too demanding and having too high of standards? My sister gets really upset once in awhile because she feels inadequate, and I think she knows what my mom and dad talk about behind her back. Like one time they were talking about her when we were walking down the stairs and when she walked into the room it got all quiet, but she just acted like she didn't hear anything. I really don't know what to do. Should I talk to our parents for her?

Can you help interpret this nightmare I just had?

your dream is strange- maybe it means that your paranoid thinking your being watched by someone or the cops are watching you & your family also the part with people being arrested on the street could mean their cracking down on drugs in your community and that your friend who is known for drugs could be caught soon. as for your mother your afraid to lose her and consciously your scared that she will do something bad like sell her pills and get arrested and you'll never see her again since you can be in prison a long time and maybe in your dream your father meant your mother hung herselve in jail because she couldn't cope with being there and that's why you couldn't find her. as for waking up not breathing i don't know maybe a deep sleeper and you woke up at 2:00 and your mother lives 2 hours away maybe you should spend more time with her!

What's a good website for comic book prices?

I've got a bunch of old comics in my closet, and plan on selling lots of them to a friend of mine. Don't know what they're worth, so want to get a decent outline on what I should charge for them. They're mostly comics from the 80's and 90's, a mix of Marvel, DC, Image etc. Conditions vary. Where should I look for prices?

Help my 17 month old bites wqay too much n it hurts!!!?

my 17 month old is really bad bout biting. i have two boys besides him n i dont think they have ever been this bad. I'm a softy so the biting back or smacking him is really hard for me to do. is there anything else. he really bites hard! lol the bad thing is he bites strangers to but its mostly me n his brothers. he demands my attention n clings to me all day and if i hold or pay more attention to my other kids he gets really bad. please anyone have advise? i really appreciate it . thanx. :)

Why does my friend think I'm a druggie?

We're both 17, and she knew I occasionally drank and smoked weed and cigarettes. I have been drinking and smoking more, but its summer. I tried x once, too. That's all, and she told me that I'm changing and just want to hang with this guy and smoke, or party. She was my shopping buddy I guess, and shes mad because I'll smoke a cigarette. Shes asked me for a cigarette before! What should I tell her? I want to be a friend, but shes getting annoying.

The 'ol telephone question.?

I am friends with this man who can't live with me nor can he live without me kind of thing. He calls me more than I call him but for some reason he does not like it so much when I call him. Recently while we were having a picnic the held me and said, honey please let me call you..don't call me (hangovers were the only mention at the time). I did not want to go into detail because I refuse to get heavy on a summer picnic. He is quite demanding and when he wants me I always come running he loves to drink and he leaves many messages. He gets angry when my answering machine is on but yet he does not want me to call him? What's up with all this?

Am I being selfish by not inviting her?

I understand your concern, but it really should be up to her. She is obviously really excited for you and wants to be a part of the day. I think you should invite her.

Playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance on PS2, why can't I save my game?

Trying to save the game manually gives me a screen saying there are no MUA files on the memory card. OK, so how do I create the file? There is plenty of room on the memory card...

Monday, July 18, 2011

How should I proceed with my landlord situation?

My landlord asked if we would mow the lawn, and when we asked if we could get a rent break for doing it, she freaked out, stating that she was going to raise the rent or kick our third roommate out. Only myself and my husband are officially on the lease, but we know from Burlington, Vermont law (where we live) that our roommate is a legal tenant anyways, so she can't just kick her out. We also know from Burlington law that she needs to give us 90 days written notice in order to raise our rent. The problem is is that she is unreasonable, and if we don't give in to her demand to start paying an extra $100 by August first (which she has asked for by text message, not in written notice, and gave us less than 60 days notice for) and instead request formal written notice, I am 100% positive that when she does give us written notice, it will be to raise the rent by at least $300, if not more. We signed an 18 month lease with her, which doesn't end until April, and had heard from our local tenant's association that we can't be held to a lease of more than 12 months unless it's been registered with the clerk's office, which it hasn't been. Unfortunately, the tenant's association hasn't been able to find this statute, and when I spoke to a local lawyer, he didn't know anything about it either. He suggested that we just give her notice anyways, break the lease, and let her take us to court. If we can't leave legally until April, what should we do? If we try to fight back and insist on notice, we could be stuck dealing with substantially higher rent and her wrath for almost 10 more months. Advice?

Who is Marvel superhero NightCrawler?

Ok one I died a bit inside for you saying that but NightCrawler is Azazel and Mystique's son, he is on the "good side" and his powers are teleportation and with his watch he can shape shift.

I NEED names for a story asap!!?

If it's pointed towards teenagers how about ( Daydreamin,Love So Life,The Affair of my 16th Year,100% in to you,7th Period Secret, I'm Aware of Love,Crushing Love, Lips That Don't Resemble His,Desire, Do You Want To Try?) Sorry that's all i can come up with hope it helps

Do you think my mother was right to do this?

My mom found a gram of weed that I had hidden. She called my aunt whos husband is a cop and gave her the weed. Now my aunt started to lecture me about how I'm going to be some crackhead druggie cause I had a gram of weed, and threatened to give it to her husband to arrrest me. I can understand a parent being upset about their son doing marajuana, but don't you think giving the drugs to a cops wife that threatens (and may) give the weed to her husband to arrest me is too far?

Any good xbox 360 games?

I recently realized that i dont own any games that i havent frequently played so Im looking for a good game for the xbox 360 that is currently out. My favorite game is currently marvel vs capcom 3 although since i dont know if any arcade fighting games match its quality unless told otherwise i want games similar to these: Fable 3, Assassins Creed/Brotherhood. Dont tell me Cod or halo because i own them. Also, if you know good games that arent similar to those please say so, even if they are sports or first person shooters.

Why do people want to pay peanuts and then get mad that it’s junk?

So many people on here complaining that China makes crap. Nobody’s forcing anyone to buy it. So what does that mean? The Chinese are jerks for selling America what they demand?

I think i'm still in love with her, what should i do?

You need to move on, maybe it would be best if you didn't even try to stay friends with her because it might just hurt and remind you of how you felt about her before. She obviously didn't feel the same way about you because she stayed with her boyfriend and if she was willing to cheat on him, who says she won't be willing to cheat on you if she finds another attractive guy? I think you should move on, get to know this new girl, maybe she will be a better experience for you. Everybody goes through that first love experience and sometimes they never really get over their first love completely. But you can move on. I did, and I know I will always love my first love (we are still good friends) but I am IN love with someone else, and I am very happy this way. Good luck, hope all works out for you :)

Am i druggiiie? help me please ?

u answered my question a week ago almost about the same thing. anyways u shouldnt just plain out stop doing **** u should progressivly slow down. if ur takin 3 zannys a day u should take 2 a day for 2 weeks or sum thing then 1 a day for a week then 1 every 3 days or sum thing. hope this helps

Will the federal government try to bully the conservative states to accept gay marriage?

We saw this happen in Arizona when they tried to throw out the illegals back to Mexico. I can see Obama admin or leftist groups demanding that conservative states pass gay marriage or ELSE.

He's always on my mind...?

i really like him and he's always on my mind. we're good friends though and i dont think he likes me like that. is it worth it to tell him my feelings? i just dont want to ruin our friendship. hes cute and hilarious and sooo sweet. he thinks im into the bad boy type because my last relationship was with a druggie (im not anything like my ex. im a complete opposite and we broke up because he was a bad influence on me). i really like him but i dont want to risk it. what do i do?

How do i get out of my college housing agreement?

I am in the same situation! I just got a SAP hold on my finical aid which means i literally will have no aid next semester!!! I don't know how either. The contract says I will have to pay a 1500 $ cancellation fee!!!

When we view the differences between male and female, who is less demanding and why?

Men...all we want is sex...we can cook for ourselves, we can make our own money...just want sex is all

Flea distress going out of my mind please help?

frontline is the best product i've used and i get it from my vet's office. use that instead, and also you can try bathing your cat if he or she will let you. they have plenty of shampoos for cats. if you don't want to buy the shampoo you could always get some sage, lavender, and mint leaves (all of which are natural flea repellents) and make a tea out of them and use that to bath your cat with. obviously let it cool first before bathing your cat. it works, i use it on my cats in the summer in between frontline applications. good luck!

Who's your favorite superhero/super villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Will "Ant Man" fall under the MCU? I heard it won't. Anyway, I'm going with Thor and Loki. I loved that movie. But my answer would be different if I was including the X-Men films. Might be different once Cap comes out, too.

How does this story sound?

If this is your work, it's my opinion that you have creativity. Inspiration is the catalyst, if one obtains that, their perspiration will be their only limit.

Dc vs. Marvel movies?

Which films you prefer? I personally prefer DC movies, and find the Marvel films to be quite bland. The DC films have a superior track record with their movies, and will be remembered far longer then the formulatic Marvel films.

My first attempt at writing a song?

The lyrics are outstanding. Vivid language always adds that extra "something" in music and that's in there! But whats the tune, beat, etc? Musical genre at least.

Where can I download free Archie comics (or any other comics) for my iPad (not the comic book app please)?

I want to download free full Archie comics but i don't know where... There are sites that offer free manga but I couldn't find any for Archie or maybe Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield, Marvel and DC. Could someone tell me where i could download them online and then put them on my ipad...?

Does it bother you that all people who take narcotic pain meds seem to be vilified?

I use narcotic pain meds to treat the pain from herniated discs in my neck from an auto accident (not my fault) 5 yrs ago. I have numbness in my arm and have a horrible time sleeping unless I take a muscle relaxer, because of the extreme stiffness I get in the muscles between my shoulder blades. The stiffness causes horrible headaches that can be incapacitating. I don't like to take them and although prescribed more, only try to take them when I can't function with the level of pain anymore. The problem is that with the authorities jumping on the anti-pain med bandwagon, finding a "real" doctor who will prescribe them is very difficult. If a tylenol or advil helped I certainly wouldn't waste the money going to a doctor, or put myself through the pain of getting numbing injections directly into the back of my neck. I last went to a board certified anesthesiologist last year when I had medical coverage. I signed an agreement not to go and doctor shop for more pain meds, and I have followed this. People look at you and think you are a druggie if they find out you take narcotics. A lot of doctors won't prescribe at all due to liability. I personally think it is BS. My pain is real, but because of some bad apples, I have to jump through hoops to get the meds. Same thing with cold medicine from the pharmacist. I'm out of luck if I want to use bath salts in my bath water. There are those people out there that will find a negative use for just about anything out there. There was a professor who changed a reciprocating saw into a sex toy. Maybe now we need to ban those tools, or require ID's every time a carpenter needs to buy it. Maybe we should license it. An urn of ashes was stolen in a robbery because the idiots thought it was coke. Maybe cremation should be banned too. I think that pain is not understood by those that don't live with it every day. I think attention needs to be brought to this. People who require narcotics to feel normal because of a medical condition are being discriminated against. Sooner or later, no doctor will prescribe the meds. What do you think? Are you tired of the gov't pushing real doctors to not write the Rx's because of the local junkie?? There will always be an unscrupulous doctor out there that will write a script for 5000 pills a month. Go after those doctors and the pill mills. To me it is like the gov't not going after the doctor that commit Medicare fraud, but going after all doctors. I think that needs to stop.

Marvel vs capcom 3 help?

i know that feeling that happened to me when i played dbz burst limit online the first times but listen to this pick a team example: dante,wesker,iron man, and start by doing a about 20 hit combo or so then do theyre hyper combos and connect em with each others in one combo or try to play distance with iron man throw bombs blast uni-beam stuff like that mvc3 is a fast paced game too fast paced for just using normal attack u gotta use those hyper combos before the other one does or this is another team dante,ryu,wesker, u can use dante until ur hyper meter is full then change to ryu and use his shin shoryuken he hits HARD with that move basically u gotta strategize ur characters.

Teenage sleeping heavy?

i am a 16 year old boy and a very heavy sleeper, i can sleep for 11 hours and still feel sleepy, it wastes my morning, very annoying!! as i turn into an adult, will my body's demand for hours of sleep decrease? for example will i be able to sleep for 9 hours and get up at 8 or 9 in the morning feeling refreshed and not tired? thanks :D

A guy that I'm friends with asked me out on a date?

I would wait. Tell him you dislike his drugging habits. See if he changes his bad habits, or maybe if he just asked you out on a high. Either way, I would still say no.

Am I being too demanding or...(need insight into a man's - and women's, why not -mind)?

You need to talk this over with your man and try to work this out. If he will not work with you on this, you need to step back and rethink what it is that you want from a relationship and then go from there. A person may be the best person you know, but that does not meant that that person is the right person for you. Be honest with yourself on what it is that you want from life and find someone who you can attain that with.

Exactly what motivates your good deeds?

I'm atheist and I do good deeds, because it makes me feel good and I love seeing how other people benefit from it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Do we have a chance at winning this case?

ok my fiance has 2 felony charges pending. we are going to court and i need to kno if we have a chance of winning. here is wat happened. we were at a friends house and my fiance was in the shower. the man whos house it was is a druggie and was high on heroin. he made a sexual comment toward me saying "since ur boyfriend is in the shower i guess that means i get to f*** u" and he got up to come towards me. i got up and left and so did another man that was w us. my boyfriend jumped out of the shower and beat the guys *** and left. the man called the police and said my fiance beat and robbed him. the man claimed he stole 45$ and his dope. my fiance never took anything. my fiance was on probation and ran from the police. He is being charged w strong armed robbery and aggrivated assult. do we have a chance of winning this case if myself and the other man that was there testifies on my fiance's behalf saying he only hit the man in my defense because he threatened to sexually assult me? there was no marks on the "victem". plus can we win the SAR charge if the police never recoverd wat was "stolen" and the "victem" is not creadible because he said my fiance stole his dope? i am pregnant w our first baby and i am trying my hardest to get my fiance off. i dont wanna raise my baby on my own. my fiance's criminal background is not good, he is a habitual offender and was on probation for a previous assult. Do we have a change?

On british bank notes it says I promise to pay the bearer on demand X pounds on demand?

X pounds of what? Silver? Gold? How? Notes and coins for years now have not been backed by gold or silver. Does this mean that modern day money in britain is a big con and the money is valuable only because we are told it is? Seems to me like worthless bits of paper and whoever is printing it is cheating us all into thinking it is valuable. Does this make everyone with a national insurance number a modern day slave and employee of the united kingdom corporation?

Child Support question?

I owed back child support for a couple years because i didnt work, i lived with and took care of my grandmother. I am paying now, and theyre taking out quite a bit...fair enough. Now i have a court summons saying that I'm being sued for lack of payment. I want to try to re-schedule it because i may not be able to afford the bus ride out there...its hours away. Now, my question is...whether they reschedule it or not, when i arrive at court, are they gonna most likely arrest me on the spot, demand a full payment on the spot (approx. 9,000 dollars)...or will they give me some time to pay it off?, seeing as how i am paying it off now, slowly and surely

Comic books like Ultimate Spider-man?

I like comic books and really enjoy the Ultimate Spider-man comic. Can anyone recommend comic books like that (Teenaged boy superhero coming into powers) or any other good books? I don't care about publisher, and would like to look at books from everywhere, DC, Marvel, Dark Horse stc.

X-Men comics question!?

I want to read an X-men comic (small series called Origin) a href="" rel="nofollow" this is the only info I can find on them and I need to know if I can read them online (Which would be really REALLY great) or if I would have to download or buy them.

What was the important reason the civil war started?

the king had to recall Parliament to pay for unpopular wars with Scotland Known as the Bishops wars and he wanted to impose a new tax for the navy , Parliament raised taxes but could only sit with agreement from the king, in exchange for agreeing Parliament demanded new powers one of which was to sit regardless of if the king wanted them to or not, this set the two sides on a collision course.

How difficult is it to become a drug councilor and do i really become one?

Most drug counselors are ex drug addicts. It should be one of the jobs with more opportunity for people with past drug habits.

PLEASE ANSWER! Are all teenagers like this?

I'm just like you. I don't do drugs, drinking or plan on having sex for a very long time. Not all teenagers are the same, but teenagers like us do exist. ^_^ Don't feel left out because you're not a druggie and let drugs spiral your life out of control, never give in to it. I'm a good kid, and I make friends just fine. Most of my friends are the same like me as well, never disrespectful to their parents. So, don't worry, you're not alone. :3

Druggie alert: heart racing from caffeinne, can i take another drug?

i want to take ginko biloba but my hearts racing from green tea. i am not feeling awake thought i got 4 hrs of sleep or less can i tage 40mg of ginkoba?????????

Can someone recommend a light-hearted but good movie?

I liked the movie Shag when I was a kid. Don't know if it is any good now. Devil Wears Prada is really entertaining.

Which blue state do you think will return to the Jim Crow days first by legalizing Islamic culture?

This would in affect open the door to a society with two or more classes with Muslims demanding rights as an isolated and privileged race over others in their state.

Do you think comic artists are more anti feminist?

In the entertainment industry you sell sex, whether its comic books, tv, movies, or music. it's called showbiz for a reason. personally i find many aspects of this business to be vile and disgusting.

Would you read this book? Thanks guys!!!?

No, because I don't care for stories where girls are branded as idiots who will throw everything away for the scumbag of their dreams.

I demand you answer this question!!!!! Girls, how would you like a guy to approach you if......?

" Hey ________ , sorry if I'm bothering you while you're talking to your friend but would you like to go to the _________ on ________? "

How would xanax work for a new student?

So, I'm moving to a new school next year. I have some anxiety problems with meeting and talking to new people. Would xanax help me get over that initial hump(planning on using for 1-2 weeks)? If so, what dose should I take? Also, will I look like I'm on something? I don't want people to label me a druggie or anything. I would be getting the stuff through prescription, of course.

My sister's talk MAJOR sh*t about me and I can't figure out why!!?

I'm 20 years old, and I have 2 older sisters 22 and 25. They are BEST FRIENDS, to the extreme. They don't even call eachother "Sisters", they actually tell everyone they're best friends. I feel like the black sheep because they always leave me out of everything, and only talk to me when they need something from me. It's worse then I'm making it sound. But right now they're fighting because my 25 yr old sister is dating someone we dont like at all (druggie, no job, etc). So now they're only being nice to me because they're trying to make the other jealous, or to make the other feel like they're outnumbered now. Idk. But my sister (22) asked me to read one of her fb messages for a completely different reason, but when I went in her inbox i saw a message that was COMPLETELY trash talking me, COMPLETELY. They said things like i'm a slut, and how no one wants to be around me and the only reason they tolerate me is because I'm family. They even said other things were so heartless I couldn't stop crying. My own sisters. I am a very nice person, and I don't do anything to offend anyone, I just don't fit in with my family, and I feel even more isolated right now. What do i do?!

I feel like everythings wrong with me?

ok i have headaches BAD.. unreal pain in my neck.. i got xrays and there fine. i really think i want a scan but the doctors said they dont want to expose me to unnecessary radiation.. my heart is fast all the time and iv an upset stomach most of the time... ok so i was told i had generalized anxiety about 5months ago. i went on tablets for a while and i am off them now for about a month as i dont want to become dependant on them... what i want to know is, is it possible that all these things that are wrong with me are caused because of anxiety or should i demand a scan????

So this girl who didnt want to date me, her current boyfriend is in Jail and she is asking me for bail money?

Sometime i really wonder how small a women's brain is? Do they not think before they ask stupid questions like the one that is being ask from a girl who i don't even talk anymore but she is desperate to get her boyfriend which is a druggie out of jail. We haven't spoken in like 4 months, we have the same friends and just say hi and bye but we ain't close or friendly. She is asking me for $1000 dollars (Me?? Why the hell me??) texting if i can help? All i know this guy who she is dating is a druggie, has no job or money, been in and out of jail all his life (all the good traits that women love in a guy i know) and wants to me help, i thought it was a joke and i text back to her LMAO! And then she text back PLEASE HELP! I havent returned the text but why do women not think?

Do chewable vitamins do anything if you eat a lot of them?

This is probably a stupid question and you're probably looking at me as if I'm a low life druggie trying to find a new high, but I'm not. When I was younger ( at some point between 2nd-4th grade) I ate about 12 vitamins because I wanted to see what would happen. All I remember was that I wasn't able to get to sleep and I had a stomach ache.

How do u guys feel about the upcoming new Spiderman Reboot Film?

From my understanding they are not going to continue the Spiderman series for a part 4..They r just gonna start all over ..with a brand new cast and a brand new looking spiderman..which i think the new costume looks SUPER DUPER TACKY AND GAY!!...I think this film is gonna be terrible if u ask me. Now that Disney bought marvel...i guess u can expect a bunch of terrible marvel films in the future....sighs........smfh! I Hope Captain America and the Avengers isnt shitty...cuzz x-men first class and thor sure was!!!!...owell im switching to DC!!..Marvel has fell off!

Which of these games would be easiest to get 100%?

lol... so many games.... i haven't played all of them but ive played most. portal 2 all you have to do is beat the game once and beat co op once and that's 100%. so i guess portal 2. banjo tooie is WAY too long btw

My ex is demanding parenting time with 2 yr. old he has not seen in months.?

He has an alcohol problem, is verbally and physically abusive to his mother and was to myself. He has a son that is 1 yr. younger than my child with another woman that he refused to even sign the birth certificate and has no interest in seeing? He has been forced to pay child support and his mother wanted me to sign and have notarized a paper she wrote up that stated we had joint custody so, he would never have to pay support. I have never allowed him to have her alone and feel uncomfortable doing so. I am concerned about my child's safety and don't know what to do? He has petitioned the court for a mediation to get parenting time and I need to know what to do and say?

Does anyone know what he means?

one of my best guy friends keeps calling me beautiful and amazing. he fancies my best friend as far as i know... does he like me as well or is he just being a nice friend? also... could someone tell me what he meant by calling me a "biological marvel"? thanks guys, much appreciated :)

My mom keeps making excuses and won't listen to me?

I think the best thing to do, is not give a ****.. Your mom will do what is needed. Take action for things in your control, if you have a piggy bank or something (lock it up in safe). If he does drugs tell him to do it away from house. If he doesn't listen, let your mom handle it.. if she doesn't then this will give you all the inspiration you need to get out on your own and live the complete opposite, you control your own life. For now I wouldn't give I damn if I were you.. relax if you can.

Can you have a social life/sleep in if you have a dog?

I'm 20 and thinking of getting a golden retriever in a month. This would be MY dog, and I would get very little help from my parents since this is something I want. I understand that dogs are very demanding and time consuming, and I'm responsible and willing to commit, but I just wanted to know if it's still possible to have a social life/sleep in once in awhile. I'm not out clubbing every night nor sleeping in til 3 or anything like that, just wondering if after the puppy phase, things do fall into place and become slightly easier and possible.

Landlord's tenants harassment & California laws-HELP!!!?

Don't see any grounds for legal action. Get out of your lease according to its terms, find a better place, and regale your new friends with tales of your disastrous time with these losers.

Windows 7 Enterprise "Password Reset"?

I've a labor computer from my college that has Windows 7 Enterprise, and it demands the admin password for pretty much everything. My college wont give it to me for god knows what explanation. so i need some seriouse benefit to change this password to my unique. I'd appreciate seriouse answers, no bs solutions to get factors please. Ty

Light blue capsule pill in my druggie brothers room..?

My brother who takes pills has these capsules in a little baggie, that say sleepimal or sleepinal on them imprinted really little? If anyone knows what this iss, please tell me. Please. He's in the hospital for drug abuse right now -___-

Does anyone know if there is a book with all X-Men comics, like a collaboration of all of them?

I know my question is very vague, but fitting my complex question into 110 characters wasn't easy. Anyway, I've been talking about getting back into comics for a while now, but I want to do it the right way, from beginning to end. A couple of my friends have told me that Marvel, DC, etc have compiled their comics, in order, into I guess what would be considered graphic novels. I would like to know whether or not their statements are true, for any comics not just X-Men. Also, if it is true I would like to know where could I find them.

What would you do if you were me?

Okay so there's my ex that I've dated for a long long long long time and like he wants to keep talking and hooking up to see if a connection comes up but I've realized that I really don't think that I love him but I'm not in love with him anymore and I'm not sure if that'll ever happen again. Then there's this guy that I've been friends with for a few years and we just clicked as friends because we have almost identical upbringings and we think the same and such but the thing is he's a druggie. And like he rarely keeps up with our plans and if I call him he'll be like call me back in five because he knows he won't remember. It's just been really frustrating with him lately because he's not eating yet he's still doing drugs and I don't know if he's not talking to me anymore because he's too busy smoking and such, doesn't wanna talk to me, or if he really is forgetting things. I don't know it's just like every single break up and everything single frienship crisis pretty much anything and everything he's always been there. The thing is I like him a hell of a lot but I'm not sure he feels the same way but maybe that's why he's been distant because he doesn't wanna care about me because it complicates things and he doesn't want a relationship or to get hurt? I don't know if you were me which one would you go with?

Ultimate Iron Man Armor, what happened?

I know some people weren't a fan of Ultimate Iron Man's original bulky armor but I loved the contrast and how sci-fi it looked compared to the regular armor. Now, I'm catching up on Ultimate Avengers and so on and he's just wearing the regular armor; more or less it's just the movie version. When did this happen and why? Was there a distinct reasoning somewhere or did they just do it since the official Iron Man has new armor and Marvel just wants to bank on the Movies? I'm kinda bummed. ;'(

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Who was probably the biggest druggie in Rock n' Roll history?

I know Syd Barrett is pretty high up there, but is there anyone who did so much **** that it was almost inhuman?

Is this illegal or not?

Okay so my husband went into the hospital back in February because he hurt his back really bad shoveling snow. Well the doctor came in the room and advised him on his care told him to take tylenol. My husband asked if there was something else he could get since tylenol wasn't working that's why I came here and the doctor looked right at him and said " We don't like helping people who look like you" My husband has lots of tattoos and said "this hospital will discriminate on the way you look since we don't know if your a druggie or not?" Well about 3 days ago went into the same hospital since i live in the country not many hospitals around, And the pin that holds the hood up on our truck broke and slammed down on my husbands hand. Happened to get the same doctor again Which he never even came in the room and had the nurse tell him take motrin and tylenol which again tylenol wasn't working for him so he asked is there something different and the doctor told the nurse it wouldn't help anyways just keep it elevated. Twice now hes done this No pain Relief for my husband hes been given less care than anyone else, mistreated and im fed up. Is this illegal? If so who do we contact since i think this hospital should pay for how they have made him feel. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

If Conservatives are so against homosexuality then why...? they have some of the biggest queers as their "voices"? o'rielly, hannity, limbaugh, levin, beck, etc... hehehe what a bunch of rear admirals hehehe and yes we all know already that lawrence O'Donnell and chris mathews suck d**K and get tingly for men. I am asking the cons who are so anti-f@g why they have so many druggie homo's in their camp???

I crave Discipline! I dont know why, Im 17 & a girl, and I need help. please help me...?

I understand why you would want that because it shows that you want to be loved but i really would like to help you and the best advice i could give you is talk to your friends they could give you the love you need. also when you grow up it can get better because you will be independent and can find someone you love i know it hard but it can get better and i know i would be your friend if i could if u need someone just to talk to im free to inbox or something! but keep holding ur head high and trying hard!

What should I do ?? 10 POINTS BEST ANSWRR?

Kso there are these drugged at my school and they look like they have Soo much fun when their high on weed.. I'm really smart in school and don't get in trouble at all, and I don't plan on it but sometimes I feel like my parents don't love me and all I want to do is smoke weed ! Should I try it or should I just stay the way I am ? Everyone already thinks I'm a druggie (EVEN MY PARENTS CALL ME ONE !! ) So clearly my parents don't care .. I just feel like I'm trying so hard at school when I could be getting high and having fun ! Wut should I do ? Oh also the druggies r Soo hot the one I have a huge crush on said that he would let me use his bong ! ?

I am in a dilemna and can't sleep so I am on here getting opinions and suggestions, my daughter is 31 and has?

two sons, one by her ex husband and another unmarried by a druggie loser, I had alot of health issues myself and had to leave state to reunite with my husband and for the last 4 yrs I have finally gotten to a place of peace, my daughter is a mess, she at last got a free apartment and had the state helping her and she had a fresh new start but against everyone's advice she got back with her druggie boyfriend and now lost her free apt, and thinks she's pregnaunt again, living with friends, and kicked off of aid, she wants to come live with me, I am on disability and my husband does'nt make alot of money, so I am sleepless, worried and don't know how I can take care of her, she is really loud and messy, I love my daughter and do want to help her but its hard thanks for any comments

Am I being overly sensitive? Macing people who get in my face?

If they are physically trying to harm you or your family, then you have a right to mace them. If you mace them simply to win an argument, or just trying to get her to stay away from you, it becomes assault. That would just leave you with even more problems.

Has anyone been through this?! Feeling so alone?

Yes my dad is an alcoholic and a druggie and abusive and i live with my mom and i have self injury problems i cut so your not alone there is ppl just like you out there and im a girl 14

Argh! Tell me what to do ):?

go talk to your parents, or your principle. or take your parents with you to the principle. either way, find someone that this woman will listen to. don't apologize. you don't have any reason to. unless it's a matter of life and death, don't apologize.

Is it me or is Marvel Movies starting to mess up?

I feel like they're making too many marvel movies at one time. And they're also rebooting some series or changing characters. The Amazing Spiderman etc. (I think it will be a good movie though) and the same person who played The Human Torch is playing Captain America. In the Avengers , they will be a new actor playing for Bruce Banner/Hulk. What's up with that?

What is your opinion of my video game collection?

Intense. You must be going blind mate. All those games, your pocket must be fat! Stop wanking to all those porn!

I took 3 Tylenol Extra Strength and 1 Nighttime Cold Relief?

Alright, I'm not like a druggie or anything like that. I am just wanting to feel better. I took them thinking it would make me feel better, but it made me hallucinate and wanting to sort of vomit. It also made my heart feel a bit painful. A pinching feeling, perhaps? Each pill is about 500mg. Am I going to be all right?

Think back to 8th/9th grade.....Can you name the peopel you knew that fit this characteristic?

Eh...I wasn't super judgemental about people like that honestly. I'm not trying to sound perfect but yea...the character really made the person more than the name for me :)

I am a girl, 17 years old & I have an embarrasing probelem, please help me!!?

This is what Grandma's, Grandpa's, uncles, aunts, etc. Are for! (Sorry if any of those have passed away considering my grandparents died when I was 2.) Yeah, my dad isn't the best guy.... But trust me, you've got guidence, protection, and love. All around you actually, friends, family, even people you might barely know! Your not without it. No need for adoption, your 17 anyways and it's very hard for older kids to get adopted. I feel sorry for your problem but I hope this helped a little.

I'm a pregnant medical resident, what do I do?

I just found out that I am pregnant and this is my second year in residency and have 2 more years to go. I have a feeling this could possibly ruin my medical career. My parents don't know and I don't want them to know. I am currently 27 and I know it's a perfectly good age to have a baby but my parents are extremely strict and old fashioned. They always say that girls have to stay a virgin until your married and then have a baby and if your not your considered "worthless" to a man. Plus my parents do not like me having a "white" boyfriend and prefer me to have Asian one, because they are more "secure". My boyfriend is happy that I am and he'll try to take care of the baby since he this is his last year being a resident and the hours aren't as demanding. We've been together got about a year in a half my mother says whatever and my father does not like it. I don't want to end up like my sister because she was in a similar situation but was fortunate not getting pregnant, after 5 years he left her and now my parents look down upon her. I don't want them to be ashamed of me and I do not believe in abortion. What should I do?

What do you think of my video game collection?

I'm actually quite jealous! Your collection is to be sought after! I used to have that many, then I got a job.

How do I forgive someone?

So recently I was looking at the story of joesph and it really made me feel like I had to forgive this girl. A few weeks ago she basically played me and kind of broke my heart. I'm not speaking to her right now and everytime I think of her I get feelings of anger and sadness. When it first happened I took pills to try and get high off them to forget about her. I'm not a druggie and have never done anything of the like before. I don't even know why I did it. After the incident happened she tried to give me a hug and say she was sorry but I blew her off. This was the second time she did this. Anyway I want to forgive her though now, but how? I don't really know how exactly you forgive someone. Should I talk to her about it? Right now I really can't see myself saying a word to her. So my question is, how do I forgive?

Question about demand/microeconomics?

Tom had a weekly allowance of $24, all of which he spends on pizza and movie rentals, whose prices are $6 per slice and $3 per rental, respectively. If slices of pizza and movie rentals are available only in whole-number amounts, list all possible combinations of the two goods what tom can purchase each week with his allowance.

This was my answer to some christian smart@$$. What do you atheists think?

I think it's a stupid little rant that's the result of infantile attention seeking behaviours. None of are your Mommy (no telling who Daddy is), and none of us care enough to wade through all that crap just to make you feel good.

Is there case where u had too much electrical power on u & u feel constantly dizzy? If so, how can u cure it?

The electrical power is from upstairs and I still am receiving it. How can I protect myself from it? Whenever I go near something using electricity, I almost always have a terrible headache and I have a hard time opening my eyes. My eyes roll in almost every direction. Sometimes I blank out. My tongue cracks up. Even as I am writing this, my tongue feels like it is on top of a frying pan that is on top of a stove turned on. In school, people call me a druggie because of this and I am not on drugs. My mother and I only know and everybody else don't have a clue. I do not know what to explain in school.

BOYS. BOYS. BOYS. What to do?

So there's this guy and he's one of my bestest friends and I'm pretty sure there's something there but I don't know if I should just give up on him. He's realy depressed and when he gets in one of his moods he gets high he hangs out with his druggie friends and won't talk to me for like a week or two but when he's fine we'll talk non-stop. I'm always there for him and he's always there for me unless he's in one of his moods which happens about once every few months. I don't know, I really care about him and I know that he really cares about me but there's something that's really bugging him that he's not telling me and that's why he's been smoking so much recently. I also know that if I'm not there for him no one else will be. And when he realizes how he's been avoiding me he'll call me and apologize profusely or like make it up to me in some other way. I don't know I'm really scared about him before he stopped talking to me this time he had just started smoking ice a few days before. I feel like everytime we get close, is when he starts smoking and pushing me away. I've tried talking to him about it and all he says is that he can't always talk to me because he's out but if he's not high, he'll text me even if he is out with people. What should I do?

How much would i get for these games on ebay?

ok iam selling these games on ebay all of these are for xbox 360 except call of duty black ops which is for the ds iam selling it cus it sucks on the ds ok here are the games two worlds2,viva pinata trouble in paradise,chrome hounds,bulletstorm epic edition,ninja gaiden 2,lord of the rings battle for middle earth two,sacred 2 fallen angel,fable 2,quake 4,brink,ghost recon 2,marvel ulitmate alliance,bioshock,naruto rise of a ninja,call of duty 3,call of duty 2,final fantasy xi online, aliens vs predator,prototype,fight night round 3,phantasy star universe,spider man 3,grand theft auto 4,gears of war 1,phantasy star universe,mass effect,legendary,and alan wake and iam using the money i get from these to buy a nintendo 3ds!ohh ya!so how much will i get for all these?will it be enough to buy a nintendo 3ds?

Can i demand that sprint store give me a new phone?

i went in last week to see if my phone that had some technical damage to be fixed. the phone was still functional, however it kept turning off every 15 minutes. i got my phone back from the technician and now my phone doesnt even turn on and all my contact and important data is still on it. this is ridiculous, i want to demand them return my phone to its previous state or give me a new one.

Does this guy like me?

ok, well i have liked this guy since 5th grade, and now, a year later, we are in the same classes and in one class he calls me druggie. like just to be funny and picks on me and stuff and sometimes i even catch him staring at me but my friends have asked him several times if he likes anyone including me and he says no. do you think he likes me?

Is this just because its high school?

yep sounds a lot like high school drama to me, although you sound much more grown up than them so good for you. You'll find much better friends soon!

Who could defeat the hulk from marvel only?

your question is a bit too vague... if by defeat you mean temporarily gain the upper hand... most the big name heroes could... until he gets pissed off enough. if you mean defeat as in kill or permanently establish dominance... apparently anyone with a gamma bomb if you want to use previous hulk story lines as reference (he kills his future self known as the maestro by teleporting the maestro back in time to the moment of the gamma bomb explosion that created him, thus destroying the maestro). without using the gamma bomb thing... any of the universal entities should have the power to destroy him. Obviously the hulk could not stand toe to toe with Eternity any more than he could stand toe to toe with Thanos when he had the Infinity Gauntlet.

Is there any places where moms can get help to better their life away from their current home?

So since I had my son i was a junior, the town I live in is crowded and unbelievably horrible (drugs) and well no job oppertunities. The father of my son is the reason for my wanting to choose another destination, I love the guy but that is my problem I obviously do not have the courage to leave him. So with out a diploma, I can not pay for a babysitter, because of not being able to find a decent job. I am currently doing online school too. I have to leap the step that will lead me in the right path. My son and I live with my mother, but it's like it is too overwelming to live under her roof with my kid. She pays for everything but I want to grow up and show her that I am the responcible person to my son that I can be. My druggie babies daddy is the problem, and I need to get away from this town.Just my son and I...I want to be the loving parent to my son, and I also want to figure out who I really am. because my son DOES NOT diserve the life that my babys dad promised and can never give him. That bum is the love of my life 2nd from my son, but its all games with that man and money is all our conversations are about and once we do get enough to leave this town he blows it.....I cant take it no more. We do not need to stay somewhere where I aint happy it effects me being a better parent

What do You Think This Quote Means?

We admire people to the extent that we cannot explain what they do, and the word "admire" then means "marvel at."

Marvel or DC superheros?

I really like both but my favorite character is Black Canary and she is DC. But I do have my favorites in Marvel also. But I can't really diss either so I will say BOTH!

I have an "ex" problem.. He keeps calling from different numbers or sending me messages on facebook..?

Get a restraining order as he is stalking you - register everything he does and keep proof of everytime.

My Best friends Husband is wrecking our relationship!?

I have been friends with my best friend (we are both female) for 15 years. We are very close and have never really fought. The only problem in our relationship is she married a jealous manipulator who hates me. they have been dating/married for the past 9 years. Since she meet him our friendship has been torn apart several times. Not because of fighting just because he sabotages everything. When they started dating she was no longer able to spend any time with me or other friends.. One time we went to Lake Tahoe for the weekend and he was so jealous he showed up and would not leave. He even demanded we sleep with our bedroom door open and he slept in the hallway with his head in our room so he could "monitor" us!!!! If he felt like she was going to see me he would stalk her in apartment/school parking lot to catch her. Every time my best friend and I would hang out he would show up and start a fight with her to ruin our time together. About 10 years ago I moved across california about 9 hours away. Our relationship has been mostly by phone. I couldn't even go to her wedding because I knew her husband would make a drama out of it and ruin her wedding. I think she only had one acquaintance in her wedding. She came down to visit me a few years ago with her two small children and her husband called day and night, calling her names and pretending he was in so-cal and was stalking her,starting fights, and guilt tripping her. He ruined her entire trip! A few months ago she tried to plan a mini vacation to come see me and her husband started a huge fight and said no. I have not seen my best friend in 5 years and Im sick of it! They had marriage problems about a month ago and she was pondering divorce. They have since made up but he blamed all their problems on me to get her to cut me out. I am moving next week, and the town she lives in is on the way. i am planing to stop and get a motel room. She is trying to convince me to stay at her house, saying its her husbands idea and hes changed. I know he only wants me there so he can control what we do and talk about and force her to spend time with him. Since I have kept my plans for a hotel room she has been a little cold to me.. She keeps telling me her husband has changed (since last month). I feel she has a lot of nerve pretending like i don't have a reason to get a hotel room!....Just another example of how her husbands manipulation and control have caused problems!

Did I make the right decision?

Yeah you did the right thing! He sounds like the biggest loser alive! If he gives you any more trouble, just say you didn't want to be involved with someone who had a reputation of cheating, who does drugs, dropped out of school, and is going nowhere in life, while you are trying to succeed, and that wouldn't happen while he was dragging you down!

How should I read Marvel Civil War?

I want to finally get around to reading Marvel Civil War, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. I'm no comic book dummy, I get the tie-in and crossover concept, but what exactly do I need to read to get the Civil War story. Do I read "Road to the Civil War" (Spider-Man #529-531, FF #536-537) and then Civil War #1-7? I don't need it from a million angles like Spider-Man's or Iron Man's, I just want the main story. So is this how I would go about doing it or am I completely off. I just don't want to miss anything major.

What are laws on teenage pregnancy in Virginia?

I am 15, and my boyfriend is 19. I am almost 7 months pregnant now. Me and my boyfriend both live with my mother, and she's been letting him live with me before i was pregnant. She knew we were having sex when he moved in, and she still let him. I have tried living with her, and reasoning with her but shes out of control. She's an alcoholic, and a druggie. She smokes cigarettes, has abused me, and is constantly stressing me out and yelling at me. She's causing me so much stress that I'm afraid i will loose the baby. Is there anyway i can move out with my boyfriend? His parents would take us in and let us live with them. I don't want my baby growing up in this house, and need to find a way out, is their any way?

Can you guys please give your opinions on my poems?

finally, someone who is good, like the allusion (reference) to the hope is gone, always mentioning the past is good.

Can you order dish on demand movies with the magicjack phone system?

me and my husband are trying to order dish on demand movies off of dish network. we dont have a land line phone except a land line number for our internet. can we use the magicjack phone system to order the movies or do we have to have a land line phone system to be able to do so?

Has anyone seen the new Green Lantern movie?

I'm still debating on whether or not to see it. I'm a sucker for DC and Marvel movies, but the CG in this looks corny. I've heard that the storyline isn't great either. I'm not sure if it'll be worth it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

I want to get married but worry about divorcing down the line?

I just have this theory. If 2 people love each other they don't need to get married, but that is a personal preference. I like all women dream of my wedding day and being with my loved one for the rest of my life...but marriages in the US are 50% divorcing...I would hate to divorce (unless for a certain, unable-to-stay-together-any-longer reason, as in my man's a druggie, alcoholic, murderer, gay, etc..). Marrying for life seems like a fairy tale to my generation now. Anyone else worried like me?

Anime Influenced Animation?

if you like Ben 10 try Generator Rex.....right now I'm obsessed over that show and it's written by the same dude who did Ben 10 series.It's about this boy who can transform parts of his body into mechanical parts and the whole story is about a virus. :) I just remembered another good one! Oban Star Racers...that is one of my all time favorites...

What that marvel, black, bio book called?

It big and black. Has like a orange star cardboard cutout layered ontop of the book and it has marvel characters on it. it talks about the history of some of the characters in the book. And the attired etc.

Is it alright to be mad about...?

As a 17 year old girl, if a guy demands head from you after limited makeout sessions (two), is it within my rights to feel violated and angry that he would order this of me without my permission and comfort in that area? He isn't a bad guy, but I felt like it really went past respect and into a different ballgame.

Does not joining clubs or sports in high school matter?

does not joining clubs or sports in high school matter for college? i mean, i know a few people that go to a good college but havent joined alot of high school activites like my own brother. i just dont like high school clubs. i hate the fact that you have to stay hours longer at school than you already have to. i dont have anyone to drive me home and i hate taking the late bus. ive just never been a high school person. all im trying to do is focus incredibly hard on my studying and my education because truthfully thats the only thing in high school that matters to me. i made a few friends in the beginning of freshman year, but most of them ditched me, and the rest of them got involved indrugs and drinking. i just hate high school because i dont belong, and i dont care THAT much that yes, ive become a loner, but i find that as sort of a benefit rather than parading around like others who just think they're cool for doing drugs and stuff. my future and my education is much too prized to throw it away on a "partier and a druggie". so, does college get better? also, im confused on what i want to do in my future. i want to major in communications or public relations or something in media. yes, i was that girl who dreamed of becoming an actress, but growing up, i realized it wasnt possible for me, but i still do enjoy media. other things im interested in are sociology, psychology, design, and maybe some other things. please tell me if anyone has been involved with work in these fields and what i can do to start doing things now. im going to be a junior in high school soon(thank god finally) lol, thank you for answering :)

Why is the Hulk so dimwitted, when Banner is a nobel worthy scientist?

well i figrue during the transformation, banners brain chemistry changes along with everything else, giving the hulk his own personality.

What does he mean???????

i would go talk to him and not trying to offend u or him but i don't think people should break up over texting go make sure no one took his phone or something

I need help for my overweight mom?

my mom is in her early forties and works a very demanding job. while she cares for everyone and everything; she often doesn't have time or energy to take care of herself. i really want to help her. are there any diets for her that she could give a try? something like weight watchers or jenny craig..? anything? it's really starting to worry me :/

Your opinions if you please..... =)?

It sounds pretty good so far :) If it had a main plot, it could be pretty awesome! Lovely description! I can't really... make an opinion, seeing as there isn't much of a story, but from what I've read, it seems pretty interesting- If you wanted to try writing a book, or something of that sort, I reckon you should go ahead (: Good Luck xD

What did you want to be when you growd up?

Well when I was little I started wanting to be an emergency vet (5-7yearsold), then I wanted to be in the FBI (7-7.5yearsold), then I thought it would be awesome if I could make it to number 1 on the FBI's most wanted list (7.5-9yearsold), then I went to chef and social worker and now I am leaning more towards culinary.

What is wrong with me ?

Okay so there's this guy who's like a really good friend of mine and we do a lot together. Let me start off by saying he has a girlfriend and cheats on her with other girls, and he also still has a close attachment with his ex(He says he's in love with her but it's just the sex) Recently last weekend we had a sexual encounter... we were doing thizz together(Yeah i'm a druggie **** happens get over it) and we both got super horny my chick best friend was there also. Me and him were all over each other started making out and got a little touchy feely, my clothes came off... My chick friend was annoying and drunk and she was left out so he felt bad and had her join in. I then got super pissed and said he was taking advantage of me and put my clothes back on and left. By this time I was pretty much sober, He came after me and told me that I know I wouldn't be just a one night stand on thizz he kissed me really romantically and we made out before I got in my car he kept looking me in my eyes and hugging me. He told me he didn't want to hurt me and that he was so sorry. Him and my friend had sex. I was so aggravated, and he told me that he didn't want to, he felt bad that she was coming onto him and he was really ****** up he couldn't just stop it, that he really wanted me. We confessed to each other we had feelings for each other. Nonsober sayings are sober thoughts! He asked me why I hadn't told him how I felt before. I told him that I didn't really know what I was feeling I was really ****** up and I am not a slut and am not going to be played by him because I know his game. Yet I really do want to hook up with him I know it is not right. But the heart wants what the heart wants :(

Is spamming illegal on facebook?

Theres a guy on the Marvel VS Capcom 3 fan page who keeps constantly spamming weird stuff? It keeps annoying everyone and he won't stop! Is he gonna get arrested?

X-men comics Jean Grey has been in?

can someone please give me a list of the x-men comics the character Jean Grey (Phoenix/Marvel Girl) has been in?

Is my friend lying? She said she did Crack?

well from what I get your friends got her prorities mixed. Tell her she going to look like an old woman. Young people think drugs are cool.. They don't realize that ppl that don't live in the projects see that as pathetic and sad. Doing those hard drugs are never good for anyone.

Boys are LAME! Advise, pretty please?

So there's this guy and he's one of my bestest friends and I'm pretty sure there's something there but I don't know if I should just give up on him. He's realy depressed and when he gets in one of his moods he gets high he hangs out with his druggie friends and won't talk to me for like a week or two but when he's fine we'll talk non-stop. I'm always there for him and he's always there for me unless he's in one of his moods which happens about once every few months. I don't know, I really care about him and I know that he really cares about me but there's something that's really bugging him that he's not telling me and that's why he's been smoking so much recently. I also know that if I'm not there for him no one else will be. And when he realizes how he's been avoiding me he'll call me and apologize profusely or like make it up to me in some other way. I don't know I'm really scared about him before he stopped talking to me this time he had just started smoking ice a few days before. I feel like everytime we get close, is when he starts smoking and pushing me away. I've tried talking to him about it and all he says is that he can't always talk to me because he's out but if he's not high, he'll text me even if he is out with people. What should I do?

What does an an I.T (Information Technology) do?

Every course has math. Some just have simpler math than others. Any course that deals with computers would at least need basic calculus. Logarithms and such are important in creating programs, etc.

Re- Post what should happen next in my novel ( quick synopsis)?

I think you should talk to a guy who's close to you as well, obviously someone you trust to actually help you. I once wrote a short story from a male viewpoint and I asked my cousin to give me some advice. It really helped, at least in my case.

X-Men comics question?

Just wondering if any one can point out a good starting place for the X-Men comics? Also, I'd like a story arc that deals with the first few mutants recruited by Professor X (the early days of his academy, if that exists!) cheers :) I have not read much Marvel at all, but have been meaning to get into this for a while.

FOX News reports that Marvel Comics is going to get rid of Peter Parker (Spider-Man) tomorrow. Thoughts?

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What superheroes would you have on a superhero team?

If there was a crossover between dc comics and marvel comics, what superheroes would you have on the team and what would be the name? Maximum members are 10, 5 dc and 5 marvel.

So this girl who didnt want to date me, her current boyfriend is in Jail and she is asking me for bail money?

Sometime i really wonder how small a women's brain is? Do they not think before they ask stupid questions like the one that is being ask from a girl who i don't even talk anymore but she is desperate to get her boyfriend which is a druggie out of jail. We haven't spoken in like 4 months, we have the same friends and just say hi and bye but we ain't close or friendly. She is asking me for $1000 dollars (Me?? Why the hell me??) texting if i can help? All i know this guy who she is dating is a druggie, has no job or money, been in and out of jail all his life (all the good traits that women love in a guy i know) and wants to me help, i thought it was a joke and i text back to her LMAO! And then she text back PLEASE HELP! I havent returned the text but why do women not think?

Will I be considered for custody?

My husband and I divorced last year, and because I stayed at home with our son while we were married, when we divorced I had no job and had to move in with my parents. Now before you get on me about not having a job, that was the option that we decided was best as parents in our situation. And within a month of our separation I had a full time job. Well because of my situation I thought it was in my sons best interest to live with his father with me getting to see him whenever I wanted. About 2 months ago my ex started dating again and has become quite serious with this new woman. My son met her 2 weeks ago and she's already spending the night in their home. Maybe I'm old fashioned but this is something that bothers me. I currently have a boyfriend, and while we (my son, myself, and my boyfriend) do things together, it hasn't evolved into overnight stays as I think it's too soon. My son is 6 by the way. Anyways, this morning my ex sprung the news on me that before the school year started he was planning on putting his house on the market and moving about 40 miles away to be closer to his job and girlfriend, and putting my son in private school. While I'm not opposed to private school, and I know that 40 miles is not as far as say 300, myself and all mine and my son's family is here. All within 10 miles of each other. Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents...all with whom he's grown very close to. I would like to take him to court to have residential custody over our son, because I feel like this move isn't taking him into consideration, but more thinking about himself. The school he's currently in is fine, the neighborhood is fine, and the house is plenty big. But he's already expressed that if I did that he would fight me on it. And unfortunately his resources are much more unlimited than mine. I feel like I can provide a safe, stable environment just as well as he can, just maybe not with all the luxuries. I do live with my parents, but in a 4 bedroom house, and have a stable job. I'm not a druggie or an alchy. I guess what I'm asking is 1. Am I being unreasonable? and 2. Do I have a chance of getting custody?

Is there a website with every marvel comic on it?

Lately, I have been fascinated with Marvel Comics. The trick is finding a place with the comics that i easy to access. I know there's an App for the iPad, but I don't have one :P So, I figured there has GOT TO BE a website with all the comics on it. If there isn't, is there another way I can read all of them without owning the actual paper copies?

What could help me, mentally?

I'm sorry you're hurting so much emotionally. I think therapy and possibly medication would be really helpful. Since your mom isn't helping, and it seems like both she and your brother may be abusive, I strongly encourage you to talk to your school counselor because he or she may be able to help. If for some reason the counselor isn't helpful or doesn't believe you, maybe you can think of a teacher, friend's parent, religious leader, or other adult you trust enough to listen to you and help you. Also, if you feel suicidal again, you can call a free suicide hotline at any time of the day or night (1-800-273-TALK). I hope you feel better.

Why does this upset me so much PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!?

The reason it bothers you so much is because you feel you like messed up badly. I wont say that you did or didn't mess up badly, however you're just a kid so don't worry about it and move on. As for what to do when your friends talk about it, i wouldn't try to play it off and pretend like you don't care, i'd tell them that it bothers you because unless, they're a**holes, they wont keep bringing it up if it bothers you that much. If people you don't know bring it up just ignore them they're just probably looking for something to talk about because their living boring lives.

What happens If I Lied to get a restraining order but only lied to stop a huge argument that was fixing to hap?

Let me explain it for you... back in 08 I rented an apartment... and my mother didn't have a job at the time... so I let her and my little brother move in with me... a few months later she moved her meth head ex boyfriend in on me and I had already caught him trying to get my brother to smoke pot with him... I told my mother that he needed to leave... she refused so I had the Landlord evict them from my apartment... I know that it wouldn't stop him from being a bad influence on my brother but I wasn't going to sit there and watch it happen... anyways 3 weeks later they had moved all of there stuff out of my house except for a few things that they had left there... I started moving my stuff back in and told them that since my stuff was there that they would have to wait until i was there to come and get my stuff... and my mother said that she would come over anytime that she wanted to get her stuff... so i padlocked the door so she couldn't get in... 2 days later I came home from work and the door was wide open her stuff was gone along with most of my stuff she had broke my lightbulbs all over the house and dumped my clothes in the middle of the floor and poured trash all over them... and then she wrote **** YOU really big on the wall... she also took the face off of the thermostat and cut the wire it was sparking when i walked in... come to find out three days earlier my family had come down to talk to her... my aunt called her a liar about her faking to be pregnant which she did... so my mother chased her out of the house trying to beat her up... So in order to stop a big family dispute before it even started I went to a lawyer and asked about a restraining order... But when I filled out the paper... i put in there that she had tried to kill my aunt and that she had threatened to kill me... she didn't threaten me of course and she wouldn't have killed my aunt... i know this but i wanted to make sure that i got the restraining order... so i put it in there just as a fail safe to make sure i got it... I never had to tell the judge this it was just on the paper i filled out at the lawyers office... and my mother didn't contest it so there was no real court hearing just us going before a judge and him telling us about the restraining order... and what it meant and what we could and couldn't do... now its 2011 and we have made up and everything... my mom isn't a bad person she just has a bad temper and she isn't a druggie or anything but she was training to get a job at a pawn shop as a manager and the background check shows this restraining order so she can get the job unless this is off her record and the only way to do that is if i tell them i lied to get the restraining order... so what can i do?

What to do with small children who act up when guests come over?

How much notice does he have of the guests, and what is your level of involvement with him immediately prior to their arrival?

What would you do with a child like me?

Um why dont you talk to your mom. It's not your fault your addicted, but you might be doing this to get attention from your mom because she dosent pay attention to you. talk to your school conselour and congrats about your good grades. I DONT AGREE WITH THE ORPHANAGE THING, I would get you help. Good luck and i wish you the best.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What can we do? URGENT!!!!!!!!!?

If she got one doctor's opinion of her problems, she should get a 2nd and 3rd opinion. I dont know what Amerigroup is but it sounds like an insurance company. If she has no insurance, she should go to any community or county health clinic in your town. Google low cost or low income clinics. Does she have a job, and do they offer health insurance?

What should I do with our Marriage?

I am 27 and she is 24. We have been together for almost 10 years and been married for almost 5. We have had our ups and downs, but we pulled through them. We are fighting now, she wants to go hangout and have fun, but we have 2 girls of our own, a 4yr old and a 5month old. She has started to hangout with other guy she just meet and mentioned a divorce, because she is not happy. I told her we should talk about it and I mentioned counseling. She agreed to go to counseling, so we have not been able to go to counseling yet, what should I do? Since she heard something from her friend, mentioning that she would bring our babies around a druggie, she doesn't want to go to counseling now. Is there anything I can do to help her fall for me again? What should I do, I really love her and the girls enjoy us being together, please help.

Someone please help me. I am afraid, and don't know where to turn.?

Well, for starters, always be the bigger person. Don't be rude or yell at the people who are mentioned above and always say please and thank you. Maybe they'll feel sympathy for a polite old lady and decide to not force all of the money out of you at once.

Should i tell on him?

Better sit ur mom down and tell her now b4 it gets rlly bad. you would hate to know that you couldve done something abt it if he does get in big trouble when hes older. hes gonna be in trouble but at least the problem will get fixed.

Oh NO!!! Have I completely blown my chances of a good grade?

Not if the teacher believes your story, In fact you may get a higher grade from the teacher's sympathy.

Im a minor, and have my own car. Mother refuses to hand over my key. what are my rights?

I'm 17, and I own my own car. Its fully paid off. I own it outright. it's titled and registered to me only. earlier today I misplaced my car key, and spoke with my grandma about what to do. and she told me that my mother had a spare key. which I didn’t know about. so, I called and asked her for the key. I told her I probably locked it in the trunk, and when she got home she unlocked the car for me but it wasn’t there. long story short is that she adamantly –refuses- to give me the spare key, and i'm literally unable to get into my car when I want or need to. I know that if I were an adult, she’s completely in the wrong, but im only 17. can she refuse to hand over the spare? She is in no way related to my car, the title, or registration. I don’t want to get the police or anybody like that involved but she is absolutely ridiculous and will not hand it over. I cant use my car at all, and this is just a joke. It’s a base Milan, and the key is the only way to get in. ive been at her for about 2 hours now demanding my key, and it is absolutely impossible for me to get it unless I were to get violent. and im not that stupid.

I have a Dell V130, why is it that i cant press 2 keys at the same time (trying to do a super move)?

Iam playing Marvel VS Capcom and iam playing with RYU and iam trying to do the super move, and for some reason, when i push down forward and then the 2 punch buttons, it seems like the system wont let me do that, what is going on, is there a way to fix this in the keyboard settings.

Is bookkeeping a good career path?

Anyone a bookkeeper? I hear bookkeepers can make a lot of money and are basically the 'less trained' accountant than an actual accountant. Is there a high demand for bookkeepers? Is the money okay?

Please tell me if i'm overreacting with my boyfriend, i'm so confused?

Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 10 months and i'm 18 and he's 21. Anyway, his good friend is a complete player and very sly but he always seemed nice to my face. About a month ago I got a call from my boyfriend and he told me that his friend had seen me kissing a guy outside of a club and demanded to know the truth. I have NEVER cheated on my bf and at first I thought that his friend must have seen someone who looked like me and might have been mistaken so i rang his friend and asked him why he said that and he lied and said that I had had a 10 minute conversation with him just before I 'cheated' so it was definitely me, he wasn't mistaken he was lying, I could tell by his smug voice. He then went on to call me a slut and a whore. My boyfriend believed me after I reassured him and told me just how angry he was at his friend for lying and said they weren't friends anymore. Now, a month after the incident I saw pictures of this 'friend's' birthday party on facebook and found out my bf had gone behind my back to his party!! Why would he want to hang around with someone who lies to him and trys to break us up??? I feel so disrespected after being called a whore etc. I want a bf that defends me. I'm so angry I don't know if the damage is already done. What shall I do? Btw my bf met me before this friend so it's not even like a close childhood friend.Help?? And yes, I repeat the friend definitely didn't see me cheating or he wasn't mistaken he was LYING.

Help with my kids and my ex?

Find out from your local government if there are free attorney's for people in your situation. There is no way you can solve this problem without a lawyer.

Why is it now that most employers in the UK ask for people to have a degree?

I think if someone applies to an employer with a degree it's a good thing that can add value to a candidates application to work for a company. But I do not believe it should be the be all and the end all. I do believe that work experience and the skills for work are more important than university and I do believe that it is wrong saying 'you must have a degree to work for us'. University isn't something that suits everyone. I was also reading yesterday that now there are 'too many graduates' in Britain, and that made me question if it this situation had been created by the demand that there is for a degree now. Anyhow, I was just wondering if someone could enlighten me on why this was.

Where can I eat Jordanian Mansaf in London?

I haven't had my native cuisine (the Jordanian Mansaf) for over two years now, and I need my fix. I am willing to travel from Scotland down to London (or anywhere else in the UK) to have it. Please please please help... are there any restaurants that serve this marvel of a dish?

My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?

I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!????